Mission Zero
Happy Valley Pride are proud to be sponsored by Mission Zero this year.
We are delighted to launch Mission Zero - Calderdale Fast Track Health Initiative.
Focusing on prevention, testing, treatment, and support services, the initiative seeks to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities across Calderdale.
We’re on a mission to...
End all new cases of HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis within Calderdale by 2030
Eradicate all preventable deaths from HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis-related causes by 2030
Stop HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis-related discrimination and stigma by 2030
The new website is www.missionzerocalderdale.co.uk where everyone can find more information about HIV, TB, and hepatitis, as well as the various services available in Calderdale, and the range of resources available locally, regionally, and nationally.
Mission Zero launched today with a special event at St Augustine’s Centre in Halifax, featuring HIV, TB, and Hepatitis testing, along with liver screening and sexual health information. Throughout 2024, Mission Zero will attend events across Calderdale, providing information and further testing opportunities. Also, look out for details on training, awareness sessions, and other related activities and events.
You can also find us on www.facebook.com/missionzerocalderdale - a like, follow, and/or share would be much appreciated!
Please share details of Mission Zero, keep an eye out for more information, and get in touch if you would like any further details

Happy Valley Pride are proud to be one of CultureDale's key commissions for Calderdale’s Year of Culture 2024!
In 2024 we are celebrating Calderdale’s 50th anniversary with a Year of Culture (CYOC24). We’re partnering with our borough’s incredible creatives, initiatives, and residents to bring culture and creativity into the fabric of everyone's lives.
We are on a mission to unleash the creative spirit of our borough and put culture at the forefront of everything we do. We are creating and promoting a wide array of cultural events, exhibitions, performances, and initiatives that reflect the remarkable stories, talents, and traditions of Calderdale.
We will do this by putting on a vibrant calendar of events, informative resources, and engaging stories that shine a spotlight on Calderdale's cultural offer throughout the entire year.
CYOC24 is a year that will inspire, entertain, and showcase Calderdale by bringing people together to celebrate arts, heritage, sports, and culture in all its forms. We’re creating a platform for local talent to shine and come together!
Todmorden Makery

Todmorden Makery is a member-run space for the community, where volunteers help with the following free activities at our drop-in and workshop sessions- all welcome!
Brunswick Centre

The Brunswick Centre – Changing Lives, Changing Perspectives.
Services include:
LGBTQ+ Youth groups up to age 19
HIV support to people living with HIV
Condoms by Post
Health and Wellbeing support
Counselling service
Yorkshire Smokefree / Queer as Smoke Calderdale

Yorkshire Smokefree (https://calderdale.yorkshiresmokefree.nhs.uk/) provides NHS advice and support – including medication – for anyone who wants to stop smoking. So, when you’re ready to quit, we’re ready to help.
Pop by the stand to find out about the new Queer as Smoke Calderdale (www.thebrunswickcentre.org.uk/queer-as-smoke-calderdale) campaign – a proud partnership between Yorkshire Smokefree service and The Brunswick Centre, supported by Calderdale Council Public Health.
Did you know LGBTQ+ people are more likely to smoke than the general population and 86% of LGBTQ+ people want to quit smoking! Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. Help and support is available.
Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

We are the LGBTQ+ Staff network at Calderdale and Huddersfeild NHS foundation Trust. The network aims to ensure that colleagues have a safe space, a means of support, but also a voice in how the organisation supports the community, which should positively impact on care of patients.
Whilst we are focused on the LGBTQ+ community, we recognise colleagues may contact the network for support when they have a LGBTQ+ relative or friend, and we actively encourage allies to join to widen the support network available to staff.

SAMARITANS are an organisation that offer free emotional support to anyone and everyone. We don’t advise, we don’t judge. But we do listen and talk through all life’s struggles. Anything from stress, anxiety, finance issues, bullying, domestic, relationshi p problems through to suicide or thoughts of ending your life.
We are completely volunteer run, have 201 branches in the UK and Ireland. And free to call on 116 123.
Barnado's Positive Identities

The Barnardo’s Positive Identities Service works with children, young people and families and provides support with gender identity and sexuality. They run different areas of support, with the main one being Gender Space. Gender Space supports children and young people who identify as trans, non-binary, or are gender questioning. They also support their families too and have a dedicated Parent/Carer group.
Positive Identities offer LGBTQ+ training and consultancy (called Safe Zone) to schools, professionals and organisations who work with children and young people. They aim to ensure that places are inclusive and accessible to LGBTQ+ young people, that professionals are proactively challenging discrimination and prejudice, and are confident in supporting young people & families around gender identity and sexuality.
Overgate Hospice provides expert care, support, advice and information for adults living with life-limiting illnesses in Calderdale, and their families, carers and loved ones. The care they provide is free of charge, and they are proud to be inclusive of all people, regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
They practise a holistic approach to care which is overseen by their multi-disciplinary team of nurses, doctors, therapists, social workers, chaplain, and counsellors.
As a registered charity, Overgate receives around 18% yearly funding towards their running costs from the Integrated Care Board. The remaining 82% is raised through grant applications and their fundraising campaigns and events, and income generated by their 16 charity shops throughout Calderdale.

Galop is the UK’s LGBT+ anti-abuse charity, working directly with thousands of LGBT+ victims and survivors of abuse every year. Galop runs four national helplines, and provides longer-term support through their advocacy and therapeutic services. Run by LGBT+ people, for LGBT+ people, Galop has been at the forefront of challenging anti-LGBT+ abuse since 1982.
Out In The Valley

LGBTQIA+ social group in the Calder Valley, Yorkshire. Also walking, singing, theatre, book group.
Out and Wild

Out & Wild is the UK’s biggest festival for lgbtqia+ women and those who are non-binary. We also run pop up smaller retreats and events across the UK.
Running over 3 days and nights from 13th to 16th June in North Devon, Out & Wild is a Wellness & Experience Festival. We run dozens of activities covering wellness, music & comedy, sports & hikes, workshops and spoken word.
You can camp, bring a campervan or glamp. And NEW for 2025 we have on site accommodation options. You can also stay off site and we will be launching day tickets.
We have grown by 50% each year since 2022 and expect just under 1000 attendees in 2025.
For more details www.outandwild.co.uk
Age UK

Helping Older People In Need — We support older people when they need us most. Visit today for help, information & advice. We want to make the UK a better place to grow older. Find out more about what we do.