The wavey steps, Bridge Gate,

Time: 18:00

Date: 20 Nov 2022

Location: The wavey steps, Bridge Gate,

Cost: Free

There will be an opportunity to socialise afterwards

Event Information

On the 20th of November we will be holding our annual event in recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance. The event will last around 15 minutes and will be lead by Jenny Wilson, our Chair, with contributions from local poet Clare Shaw and our volunteer David Ford.

The event will take place once again at the wavey steps on Bridge Gate in Hebden Bridge at 6pm. There will be an opportunity to socialise afterwards. Please feel free to bring a candle to light.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our friend Kim Lana who founded this event but will be unavailable to attend this year. 

20th November, 6pm, The wavey steps, Bridge Gate, Hebden Bridge.